Best inversion Exercise: Eccentric Lower Downs
Inversion Boost
The perfect exercise to train your inversions: Eccentric lower downs.
Besides helping you to master an inversion, this exercise will give you the possibility to step back and work on your form to correct sloppy execution like microbending, for example.
There are several levels of difficulty. Choose the version that challenges you but also gives you the possibility to focus on the quality of the movement.
Go up fast and easy (bend your legs, get a helping hand or even jump to get up) and focus on lowering down as slow as possible with good form. E.g., 8-15 times in 3 sets. Modify the versions (see Versions below), so you can execute these with good form. The progression from the easiest version to the hardest one for most people is the following:
Bent arm, bent legs
Bent arm, straight legs
Straight arm, bent legs
Straight arm, straight legs
Straddle (legs separated, outside of silks) are generally considered easier than pikes (legs together, inside of silks) as the lever is longer.
In this video, you will see the following versions:
Version 1: Bent Arm Straddle Ups - Bent arm, straight legs in a straddle (legs separated, outside of silks) for the lower down.
Version 2: Bent Arm Pike Ups - Bent arm, straight legs in pikes (legs together, inside of silks) for the lower down.
Long Arm Versions:
Version 3: Straight Arm Straddle Up - Straight arm, straight legs in a straddle for the lower down.
Version 4: Straight Arm Pike Up - Straight arm, straight legs in a pike for the lower down.
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